About Dr. Peiper

Dr. Howard Peiper is a nationally recognized expert in the holistic counseling field. His healing, health care and natural professional credentials extend over a thirty year period and include those of naturopath, author, lecturer, magazine consultant, radio personality and host of a television show, Partners in Healing.

Howard, nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, has written numerous books on nutrition and natural health including 12 best sellers.

The A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. Diet
Zeolite Nature’s Heavy Metal DetoxifierZeolite: Nature's Haevy Metal Detoxifier
Viral Immunity with Humic Acid
The Secrets of Staying Young
Nutritional Leverage For Great Golf
All Natural High Performance Diet
Natural Solutions For Sexual Enhancement
Cancer Disarmed
Super Nutrition for Dogs and Cats

  • Dr. Peiper is co-host of the award winning Television show, Partners in Healing. They feature guests in the alternative healing field including names such as Harvey Diamond, Dr. John Upledger, Dr. Benard Jensen, Gary Null and Dr. Marshall Mandell.
  • Hubbard College in Clearwater Florida honored Dr. Peiper with an achievement award, which recognizes accomplishments and services by people that take the time to help others make healthy choices.
  • Lectures at: NNFA regional meeting, CT Natural Foods Assn, Conference, The Health Show, In Spirit 96 (Chicago), Natural Hygiene Society, N.A.F.F.S. Conference, Gary Null Health Center (FL) and Expo, East Natural Foods Expo (MD), ACAM (FL), Erotica Expo (NY), Anti-Aging(IL), Lecture Tour (SE Asia), Natural Food,Toronto, Canada
  • National Radio appearances include ESPN, Prescriptions for Healing, The Gary Null Show, For the People, Here’s to Your Health, Dr. Wallach’s Wellness Hour, Ann Louise Gittleman’s Vitamin Show, Journey to Wellness, Natural Grocer, and Seeing Beyond. Dr Peiper also hosts a weekly Florida broadcast – Natural Living
  • Contact Dr. Peiper:Dr. Howard Peiper
    E-Mail: info@zeolitefacts.org     www. walkthetalkproductions.com

    The products I recommend are from ZEO Health Ltd. 

7 thoughts on “About Dr. Peiper

    1. Hi Jean,

      Zeolite can weaken the effects of metal based medications. I highly doubt that Lisinopril is metal based, but check with your pharmacist to be sure. If it is not, then it is okay to take with Zeolite.


  1. Please is Zeolite safe for a diabetic person? And is it safe to take Zeolite while taking diabetes medication? Like Metformin and pravastatin? Thanks

  2. There seems to be a lot of controversary about zeolite. Is it really a true cancer fighting supplement that works against cancer.

  3. Dr. Peiper, is it safe to.take zeolite along with other natural medicine, such as graviola supplement, which is said to be highly effective in erradicating cancer??? your reply is greatly appreciated .

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